손을 뻗어서 책장을 넘겨야 하는데 커서를 움직였다. 하하하...디지털과 아날로그 문화의 공존이 빚어낸 불협화음, 그것이 늘 한 방향으로 움직이던 행위의 통일성에 안다리를 걸었다. 헌팅턴이 말한 아날로그 내에서의 문화충격 개념이 디지털로 영역을 확장하고 있음을 여기에서 나는 '유레카'한 거다.
To turn the leaves of a book, I had been supposed to stretch my hand but moved 'cursor.' Hahaha. I found that cacophony caused by the cultural a coexistence of digital and analog working in my mind which tripped Andari of the unity in acting always in one direction. Here I did 'Eureka' that the culture shock Huntington insisted within the realm of analog stepped on a conceptual expansion toward the digital world.
To turn the leaves of a book, I had been supposed to stretch my hand but moved 'cursor.' Hahaha. I found that cacophony caused by the cultural a coexistence of digital and analog working in my mind which tripped Andari of the unity in acting always in one direction. Here I did 'Eureka' that the culture shock Huntington insisted within the realm of analog stepped on a conceptual expansion toward the digital world.
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