2012년 2월 3일 금요일
Attitude to teach the Word of God
A profound sense of reverence, gratitude, awe and humility is the attitude that the theologian must keep in mind to learn and teach the Word of God. This we may find in the word of Aquinas.
Latin: Assumpta igitur ex divina pietate fiducia sapientis officium prosequendi, quamvis proprias vires excedat, propositum nostrae intentionis est veritatem quam fides Catholica profitetur, pro nostro modulo manifestare, errores eliminando contrarios: ut enim verbis Hilarii utar, ego hoc vel praecipuum vitae meae officium debere me Deo conscius sum, ut eum omnis sermo meus et sensus loquatur.
English: Accordingly, in the confidence assumed from the divine loyalty to pursue the office of the wise, the proposition of our intention, though it may surpass our own power, is to manifest the truth that the catholic faith declares as far as our limited power will allow: as one may use the word of Hilary, I am aware that I owe this chief office of my life to God, that my every word and sense may speak of him.
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